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High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDR)

Brachytherapy involves the application of radiation with a radioactive material at a short distance, inside or very close to the area to be treated.

High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDR) uses radioactive sources with very high activity, approximately 1000 times higher than the activity used for permanent and removable low-dose rate implants. The activity of this high-dose rate radioactive source is independently verified by our team of Medical Physics specialists to ensure that the prescribed dose by the Radiation Oncologist is administered.

In our center, we have a High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy system from Elekta Nucletron, the Flexitron model, which uses an iridium-192 source of 10 curies. With Elekta’s 3D Oncentra® planning system, the treatment is programmed by coordinating (using robotic technology) the stop times and different stops of the source for each of the catheters or applicators placed in the areas to be irradiated. This technology eliminates operator-dependent errors, which can result in overdosed or underdosed areas, reducing side effects and ensuring effectiveness.

Another advantage is that the vast majority of cases are outpatient, reducing costs and providing greater comfort for the patient, as the treatments are very short.

The acquired equipment is highly versatile and allows for intracavitary, interstitial, and mold-based implants, with the possibility of intraoperative brachytherapy. This technology can be used in the treatment of gynecological tumors, prostate, breast, esophagus, bronchi, head and neck, soft tissue, and more.